1st warning message:
[path]/plugins/editors/fckstyles_template.xml was not found on this server.
Set the following directories to 777:
- /plugins/editors
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor
and the following files to 666:
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor.class.php
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor.legacy.php
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor.php
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor.xml
Warning: css/template.css does not appear to be a valid file...
*** Version 1.5 ***
Go to the backend and Login in with your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’. Go to 'Extensions' and click on ‘Plugin Manager’ > and select and open the 'JoomlaFCK' Plug-in.
*** Version 1 ***
Go to the backend and Login in with your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’. Go to ‘Mambots’ on the top menu bar and click on ‘Mambot Manager’ > and select and open the 'JoomlaFCK' Mambot.
In the editor you will see a set of Parameters on the right:
- Set the “Use Template CSS classes?” to NO
- In “Use Custom CSS Classes?” field place the pathway to the CSS file you want to use with the editor and press Save.
To apply the setting and close click on 'Save'.