圣经能使人因信基督耶稣有得救的智慧。圣经都是神所默示的,于教训,督责,使人归正,教导人学义,都是有益的。叫属神的人得以完全,预备行各样的善事。(提后3:16) 除非神先启示,否则没有人能够真正认识神,圣经就是神的启示。
Monday, June 20, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Couldn't find package libapache2-mod-security
Joomla: Top Menu Does not Display on js_jamba template
Wordpress: Unable to locate WordPress Plugin directory
Automatic plug-in updates are cool, but only when they work. I made attempts to understand what’s wrong with the “update automatically” feature several times, and always hit the same message after entering my FTP details: “Unable to locate WordPress Plugin directory”.
As a computer geek, I know why it needs FTP, but it wasn’t really clear what exactly it was looking for in the root of the FTP directory and why it didn’t find it. I figured that my server setup is a bit different from what they expected, and scanned the sources for clues.
Apparently, they are looking for the wp-settings.php file which is sitting in the root of the WP installation. So when they find the file, they know where to start looking for plug-ins folder. In my case, it was light years away from the FTP root, so here’s what I did:
- Created an FTP user specifically for the blog
- Made the root folder of the blog be the home directory of this user
- Fed the user name and the password to WP when it asked for the FTP again
All went very nicely and hassle-free. Now you know what to do when you see “Unable to locate WordPress Plugin directory” when attempting to update your plug-ins automatically.
2。如果你还是坚持要用自动安装功能的话,那就在安装Wordpress的过程,把wordpress里的文件放入你网站的root folder吧,放在subfolder是用不到这个功能的。
JoomlaFCK editor warning message
安装使用JoomlaFCK editor遇到的问题
1st warning message:
[path]/plugins/editors/fckstyles_template.xml was not found on this server.
Set the following directories to 777:
- /plugins/editors
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor
and the following files to 666:
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor.class.php
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor.legacy.php
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor.php
- /plugins/editors/fckeditor.xml
Warning: css/template.css does not appear to be a valid file...
*** Version 1.5 ***
Go to the backend and Login in with your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’. Go to 'Extensions' and click on ‘Plugin Manager’ > and select and open the 'JoomlaFCK' Plug-in.
*** Version 1 ***
Go to the backend and Login in with your ‘Username’ and ‘Password’. Go to ‘Mambots’ on the top menu bar and click on ‘Mambot Manager’ > and select and open the 'JoomlaFCK' Mambot.
In the editor you will see a set of Parameters on the right:
- Set the “Use Template CSS classes?” to NO
- In “Use Custom CSS Classes?” field place the pathway to the CSS file you want to use with the editor and press Save.
To apply the setting and close click on 'Save'.
摘自:http://www.joomlafckeditor.com/tutorials/16-warning-csstemplatecss-does-not-appear-to-be-a-valid-file如何更改Picasa Web Album Slideshow的背景颜色
如何更换Picasa Web Album Slideshow的背景颜色。
Change the code from RGB=0x000000& to RGB=0xFFFFFF& to make it become white.
把程式的 RGB=0x000000& 改成 RGB=0xFFFFFF& 就会变成白色了。
Error: the XML response that was returned from the server is
Installing Joomla using web based installation, during the FTP configuration we countered the problem of XML response. What you should do is simply ignore the warning regarding configuration.php during the web based installation. Do not do this: mv configuration.php-dist configuration.php